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Whangamata Marina with 209 berths, is one of only 2 on the popular Coromandel Peninsula.

Situated adjacent to the Moana Point causeway the marina is located within 5 minutes walk of the New World supermarket, Immediately adjacent to the luxury Breakers Motel and within 10 minutes walk to the main street restaurants and Cafes or to the Whangamata Ocean Sports Club.




Pilotage to the Whangamata Marina

The Whangamata Marina is located inside the Whangamata harbour, chart NZ 534. Entry to the Whangamata harbour requires attention to two key navigational issues:


  1. Depth of vessel. At MWLS the depth of the channel and the entrance to the harbour is approximately  1.4m Therefore, yachts or other vessels with a deep draft should enter close to high tide. For example, a yacht drawing 1.8m is advised to enter the harbour within 2.5hrs of high tide.

  2. Surf Bar. A surf bar is located south of the harbour entrance. Breaking surf waves may not always be visible.



Vessels approaching Whangamata harbour from either the north or the south should first identify the navigational aid (PHOTO) located on the beach at 37o12’.184S,175o52’670E) When the two white triangles are aligned one above the other (at night they are leading lights, ( 2 F.R.neons) the bearing of your course will be 288o17’true  which will take you clear of the headland and  approximately 50 to 60 meters off the outer starboard beacon. Proceed on this course until between the outer starboard beacon and the second starboard beacon at the entrance to the harbour when you will see a similar navigational aid on the wharf. Change course to a bearing that will take you to within 5 to 10 meters of the inner starboard marker. Midway between the outer and inner starboard beacons, you will notice the water depth decreasing to around 1.4 m at low tide.

Once past the inner starboard beacon (5 to 10 meters off), change course towards the starboard marker buoy indicating the beginning of the channel through boats on pole moorings; do not head towards the wharf. Towards the end of the channel containing the pole moorings, you will notice a line of marker poles at   a right angle to port of the line of pole moorings. These poles mark the channel to the Marina, the beginning of which is a port marker pole. There is no starboard marker pole at the beginning, only a starboard marker buoy. Follow the channel indicated by the starboard and port marker poles to the marina entrance. CAUTION. Opposite the boat launching ramp before the marina entrance, the channel dog legs to starboard. The channel all the way into the marina is wide enough for two vessels to pass head on.


The above navigational guide is drawn from local experience and existing navigational aids as at June 2016. Please understand that the Whangamata Bar is a dynamic phenomenon and huge quantities of sand can change position in a very short timeframe. Entry is best avoided in strong East and South East conditions. Skippers should take this into account

Copyright © 2009-2012 Whangamata Marina Society Inc.

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